Our work


Our current agricultural system maintains farmers in the poverty trap

Illustration of a scale with on one side rich farmers, often from northen countries, and on the other side poor farmers

While 80% of our food is produced by family farmers, a vast majority cannot even feed themselves and are below the poverty line.

Illustration of a farmer burning fields (deforestation), because of extensive and unsustainable farming

The lack of economic resources encourages extensive and unsustainable farming, often at the expense of natural resources (soil depletion, on and off-farm deforestation).

Illustration of crops cut to plant more profitable ones

On top of driving severe inequalities and negative externalities, agricultural supply chains are at a high risk of disruption as farmers tend to switch to more profitable crops and young people do not see their future in agriculture.


We build bridges between the different players of agricultural systems

to promote farmers’ economic and climate resilience

Leveraging a decade of work with farmers from the Global South in food and textile supply chains, we are as comfortable in farms as in offices! Our value lies in co-designing solutions with farmers that match our partners’ interests and vision.

Food and textile supply chains

To maximize the value we generate for our partners and beneficiaries, we specialize in agricultural supply chains in the food and textile sectors (with a focus on cocoa and coffee).

Illustration of coffee beans
Illustration of cotton
Illustration of a cocoa pod

We combine consulting services and implementation of field operations

Technical studies

We coordinate ad hoc studies targeting farmers’ resilience, producer organization strengthening, or specific sustainability issues such as Living Income assessment, and climate vulnerability analysis.

Operations & strategy consulting

At the heart of supply chains, we design and review sustainability operations’ strategies, support the internalization of sustainability and strengthen the implementation of operations.

Field operations

We align research perspectives, business objectives, and field realities into pilot and innovative field operations, through our local teams.

Our case studies

Assisted Natural Regeneration

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Living income referential

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Cocoa agroforestry

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Cooperative strengthening

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See more of our case studies