

Assisted Natural Regeneration




Piloting an innovative agroforestry approach in Côte d’Ivoire


A group of farmers brainstorming


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International mobilization since 2017 to halt deforestation in Côte d’Ivoire, followed by the launch and scale of massive tree planting projects in cocoa growing areas;

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While the performance of planting programs is little documented and questionable, research showed high potential of Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) to restore forest cover within and around cocoa farms;

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Since 2019, the new Forest Code clarifies tree ownership in favor of landowners (or, the planter – provided there is a formal agreement) although it still needs to be largely disseminated in rural areas.  



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3 year-project launched in 2024 in the Indénié-Djuablin region in partnership with a cocoa cooperative, based in Abengourou;

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Promoting agroforestry in cocoa farms by identifying and fostering the growth of seedlings naturally adapted to the local environment;

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Transferring botanical and forestry skills and knowledge to farmers to increase adoption;

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Thinking the pilot at scale from the beginning to later allow for the dissemination of results in a cost-effective way.


Two people measuring the diameter of a tree

Key Takeaways

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The pilot is a joint project with research organization Cirad. It aims at studying during two years the potential for performance of ANR (ex: higher tree survival, better growth) as well as designing and testing tools for scalability (ex: rapid field diagnostic to assess the status of both regeneration and existing shade cover);

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First field observations are promising and show a high diversity of tree species naturally regenerating on farm – a significant potential for biodiversity improvement!